Monday 30 January 2012

2012 - A New Year, A New Blog Site

I've decided to move my blog over to Blogger rather than continuing to host on my website - this was a difficult decision as I love the way my blog was completely a part of my website, sharing the same settings as any other page. However due to the limitations of my website host, I was not able to archive old posts and so the load time on my blog page was getting too slow. 

You can still access all of my old blog posts here and hopefully being on Blogger will make it easier for people to follow my musings! You can still read my blog on my website - I've embedded this site as an iFrame, seeing as this was the only viable option for ensuring it was still available on my site while working within the limitations of my website host.

I'll be posting more dance related blog posts soon - I'm heading to Vegas in a few weeks for Tribal Massive so I'm sure I'll have plenty to talk about!

In the meantime, welcome to the new blog for 2012! I hope you enjoy reading over the next 12 months. I'll leave you with my latest performance video, from Budapest Tribal Festival 2011.


Alexis x