It is incredible how long it has taken me
to get to write this blog about my trip – I have been so busy since I returned
home, and I had so many experiences so I will warn you – this is a very long
one. Conveniently I have split each section of my trip into individual stories,
so if you can’t stomach this all in one go, you can always return to the blog
later for the next chapter!
Before I went to the US last month I was
asked to write ‘the truth’ about Tribal Fest in my blog. Most of you know, I
don’t hold back when I write... that I will say if there were things that I
liked and things that I didn’t like about an event, a workshop, a show. I think
this is the way blogging should be, which I guess warranted the response (and
I’m paraphrasing) – if we can trust anyone to tell us the truth about Tribal
Fest, it’s you Alexis!
Chapter One: Molotov Caravan
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Just some crazies I met at the airport... |
Sunrise, sunrise.... |

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Bearded ladies, sword swallowers, humpty, and drinking Candian style! |
I’m so grateful to Angelina and Sally for having me at their event, I had SO MUCH FUN and was honoured to be a part of it. I was really looked after by Angelina and I totally fell in love with her cats, especially Maine Coon Solly – what a beautiful cat he was! I was kind of sad to leave it all behind and go down to Sebastopol, but being the main purpose of the trip, I had to tear myself away from the cats and go catch a flight to San Francisco.
Chapter Two: Tribal Fest
As usual, American immigration was not the
most pleasant, but I made it into the country! Travelling with Angelina and
Sally, I sat next to a couple wearing matching black and white striped pants.
We spotted them across YVR as Sally & Angelina had worn similar pants to
perform their duet in the night previously. The air hostess came over and asked
the couple ‘So I gotta ask, what’s the deal with the matching pants?’ The guy
turned around, gave her a look, and dryly responded, ‘We’re just awesome’.
Needless to say, she didn’t know how to respond, which led to much snickering
from me! I took the opportunity of being on yet another flight, to write half
of a paper for a conference I’m presenting at this month. Let me tell you, it’s
not easy to write an academic paper when you’re on holiday with people that do
not stop all day, that are constantly social and want you to be social too. I
wouldn’t change them for the world – I would have (in an ideal world) written
the paper before I left. Never again will I agree to the demands of my
supervisor to ‘just do this paper, oh you only have a week to do it...’.
Blooooooowdega Bay! |

Wednesday was kind of similar – lots of
hanging around, not everyone was there yet. I took April Rose’s class Shimmy
While You Work, which gave me some great ideas for ways I could build in extra
practice into my own daily life, and ideas to give to my students on how they
can practice when they don’t have two hours they can devote to dance every day,
or a studio they can dance in. Kami Liddle’s workshop was the only one I took
in ‘the big room’. I felt more benefit from this workshop, having space to
actually move around. The workshop was Gettin’ Hyphy with Saidi – a Tribal
Fusion choreography with movements taken from Saidi dance. I LOVED this
workshop. I used to dance Saidi with my first bellydance teacher Karen, and
having not done it for a few years now I was reminded of all these movements in
my repertoire that I have forgotten about using, and took me back to the good
old days of being a completely new bellydancer – I loved it! It was a great
choreography. Every workshop I have taken with Kami this year has made me more
and more excited to be bringing her back to the UK again for Infusion Emporium
in November.
As the weekend progressed it was very clear
in my mind why Tribal Fest is a must do for any Tribal dancer, at least once.
At the beginning of the week I was very adamant that I wouldn’t return, and
didn’t ‘get it’. By Friday I was talking of ‘when we come next year....’, ‘next
year we should...’ etc. Almost everyone
you know, and everyone you would want to meet is at Tribal Fest. They’re not
kidding when they say it’s like a big reunion cos it is. All weekend I hardly
saw any of the performances, because I was locked in conversation with people I
hadn’t seen for months or even years. How incredible to all be brought together
from all over the world by a common love for the same thing!
Friday for me was the best day – I took a
brilliant workshop in the morning with Donna Mejia – it’s a workshop I’ve taken
with her before but I greatly benefited from repeating material and she had
some new material in there, on practising while injured or compromised. Some
fantastic ways of maintaining muscular balance, health and alignment during
times when you’re not able to put 110% behind your practice, when you’re not
capable of performing an all out drills session hitting every muscle group.
This was the perfect routine for maintaining an appropriate level of fitness
and keeping going in practice at times when it may be difficult or impossible
to go through your usual regime. I also performed with Martina, Angelina and
Sally on this day. The whole thing went really well, the video looked great and
it felt good to be on stage. I didn’t even feel overly nervous – butterflies,
yes, but not the incapacitating fear I had been experiencing for a period last
year. This is a good sign! I was really stoked to see Zoe in the audience
watching us, and was really great to get her feedback afterwards. She is
definitely my foremost inspiration at this point in my dance career and so her
opinion means a lot. It was a great honour to share the stage with those girls,
and I hope it won’t be the last time we do that! After watching a few
performances I headed over to Lee Ali’s class. For me, this class made Tribal
Fest worthwhile from a learning perspective. It was the class I felt I gained
the most from, both in knowledge and in action, being taught how to enter into
a trance and gaining the experience of what that feels like. It was an intense
and emotional workshop – I cried my eyes out when coming out of the trance, and
I wasn’t the only one that shed tears. It’s incredibly overwhelming and
powerful, and to be able to reach that through sound and movement is
incredible. I experienced something similar in Amel Tafsout’s workshop in Texas
earlier this year, and in Lee’s workshop this feeling was intensified and
stronger. If you’re interested in trance dance, or just curious, I highly
recommend Lee Ali, being a leader in the field. It was money well spent.
I didn't take any workshops on Saturday – I
got up early and went for a photo shoot with the incredibly talented
photographer Sequoia Emmanuelle. If you don’t know the name you will certainly
know her photos – she has photographed the likes of Zoe Jakes, Kami Liddle and
Jillina, among many others, and her images are some of the most iconic in tribal
bellydance. It was a great honour to be able to catch a photo session with her.
She just sent me the finished photos from the selection I chose, and they are
nothing short of amazing. Certainly the best promo shots I've ever had. Photo
shoots are always really hard for me – I'm an introvert and I need to be
directed. Sequoia did a great job of putting me at ease and getting the perfect
shot. Being a model is the most uncomfortable thing – you have to exaggerate
every movement, stick your neck forwards, stick your hip out further, twist
into unimaginable positions. But the shots look great, and so it’s worth the
discomfort! I’m really happy with the results – photo shoots are a big monetary
investment so I wanted some shots that would be classic, and wouldn’t date
quickly like many of my previous professional shots – I want to be able to use
these photos for the next few years. I gave this brief to Sequoia and I
definitely think she’s nailed it from that perspective.
After the photo session I went off to
perform my solo at Tribal Fest. First I enjoyed the movement choir in UNMATA’s
performance (which I couldn’t miss, of course!) and then headed backstage to
get changed and warmed up. I felt more nervous about this performance, I guess
because all eyes would inevitably be on me! I performed an old favourite dance
of mine to warm me up and guarantee I got all the favourite tribal fusion
technique in there, followed by my new dance ‘Raphael’. By the end of it I felt
pretty good about my performance. It was really nice to see friends out there
in the audience. At the time I didn’t hear any cheering or zaghareeting, I
didn’t hear anything but the music. Angelina filmed me on her iPhone, and I was
astounded by the amount of noise coming from the audience – hearing Amy shouting
‘Dat’s Right!!’ was probably the most entertaining! ;) I got the official video
back the next day, and I didn’t actually get to watch it properly until I got
home – the avid Tribal Fest channel viewers got to see it before me! I just
approved it without really watching it – the internet connection at Bodega
house was pretty shoddy and so it kept skipping in playback. However I was
confident from my audience feedback that I did a decent job, and so gave the
go-ahead for upload. We also danced as a surprise act that night at the
Electric Vardo after party with DJ Amar – an improv set with Martina, myself,
Angelina, Sally & Rustiqua, which was a lot of fun.
After the workshop I paid my entrance to
watch what was left of the Sunday show. Sunday was filled with amazing
performers including Sherri Wheatley, Suhaila and Jill Parker and the Foxglove
Sweethearts. My favourite performance of the whole weekend also took place on
this day – Zoe Jakes. I adore Zoe, and I make no secret of it – she has always
been a big inspiration of mine, and a favourite dancer too, and in the past few
years a favourite teacher. So of course it makes sense that she would be a
favourite performer at Tribal Fest, but for me it was the best of the weekend.
I didn’t see everyone of course, but having come back and watched videos (many
of whom I thought were also incredible), I still stand by my statement that no
one came close to Zoe. Her performance had everything – the emotive beginning,
the comical middle including mad prop skills, and the classic typically-Zoe
Tribal Fusion number at the end. From the moment they pushed play to the moment
she left the stage I was enraptured. For me, it had everything I want to see in
a performance, and I told her as such. It was amazing!
It wasn’t long before Tribal Fest was over.
Sunday went very, very quickly! We said our goodbyes throughout the day as
people left. I stayed to the bitter end, as I was sleeping on the couch of the ‘French
Embassy’ that night. I had starved most of the week, not having time to eat during
the day and not wanting to eat anything expensive from the festival, so I was
so happy to eat some delicious and filling Mexican food in the evening, on the
turf of a car park with Mat, Lauren Jeanette, Mardi, Zoe and their stall assistant Yuko. It was one
of those moments when you can’t quite believe that this is where you are right
now. And that was it, Tribal Fest was officially over. That night, after
several glasses of wine, I slept on the French Embassy’s couch ready for the
ride to Sacramento the next day.
So what’s the moral of this story? Everyone
should go to Tribal Fest at least once. It is one of those must-do things for
every Tribal bellydancer. Yes it has its negative points – classes that are too
full, rooms that are too small, nowhere to shade from the blazing heat until
Friday when the shows start... too many vendors on which you want to blow all
your cash (good thing or bad thing, I’m not sure!), no supermarkets or food
outlets nearby (unless you take the 15 minute walk to the centre – you can miss
a lot in the 30 minute round trip, especially when you need time to buy stuff
at the store too!), concrete floors on which to dance during the workshops (my personal
biggest gripe), and (in my humble opinion) too much focus on spending and not enough on learning
(sounds harsh but in my mind it was true, because learning is my priority). But it has its great points too – where else will you see
almost all the most famous Tribal bellydancers you know all in one room? Where do
you get to hang out with the teachers like they were your friends? Where do you
get to non-stop socialise with friends old and new? Sure, you have to queue 30
minutes for the bathroom (if you ever get there at all!), but really, it’s like
a family reunion. Will I go back? Probably, one day. Probably not next year –
it cost me an absolute fortune to be there, and doing that every year coming
from the UK is just not feasible for me unfortunately – if I go to America I
need a guaranteed learning experience that makes it worth the huge expense on
travelling there. But I’m sure I will be back there one day. And if your focus
is on becoming a better dancer, getting in-depth training... I would honestly
recommend other festivals. Individual workshops are not going to give you what
you need – if your budget is limited to one big event and you want to really
immerse in training and forget everything else (performing, shopping,
socialising...), Tribal Fest is not the festival you want to go to. But it is a
lot of fun, and having everybody there meant I got to have some really quality conversations with people, getting to know them and this was the benefit for me. It should definitely be experienced once, if not repeatedly!
Chapter Three: ...To Hot Pot!

Hot Pot was really like home. I have never
felt so connected to a place that was so completely new to me. At Tribal Fest I
got really homesick on those first few days (but as you saw, it did pick up). Coming to Hot Pot was like
being with family. Everyone is so welcoming, and friendly and just awesome.
Observing the community they have there, in such a unique way, was really
inspiring. It really makes me want to do something just like that here. I was
really, really sad to leave and move on to Oakland. I wish I could have spent
longer at Hot Pot, it really was an incredible few days. Entertaining ourselves
in the evening by re-enacting How Animals Eat Their Food probably helped with
that quite a lot! (Still awaiting the video!)
Illan and Moona were also leaving on
Wednesday – Amy drove us to the airport in the UnMetro – a converted ice-cream
truck, where we drove with the doors wide open, me in the front and everyone
else on benches in the back... it’s something you can’t really describe, it
just has to be seen! We waved goodbye to Moona and Illan and then drove on to
the train station where I would be getting my train to Oakland. I sadly said
farewell to Amy, Mat and Djeynee and went to buy my ticket. I was sad to be
leaving but a new adventure was ahead of me. I’m definitely going back to Hot
Pot – hopefully next year if I can save the money. I have to go back – it’s
captured my spirit now, there is no choice but to go back!
I enjoyed the two hour train ride to Oakland. It was the first time really in 10 days that I had been completely alone for an extended period of time. Other than the 30 minutes I spent at a cafe during Tribal Fest and the 15 minutes of exploration of the area surrounding Hot Pot Studio, grabbing a coffee and cake from a recommended coffee shop, I had been surrounded by people the whole time. It was nice to spend some time alone watching the scenery go by as the train thundered along to the Bay.
I enjoyed the two hour train ride to Oakland. It was the first time really in 10 days that I had been completely alone for an extended period of time. Other than the 30 minutes I spent at a cafe during Tribal Fest and the 15 minutes of exploration of the area surrounding Hot Pot Studio, grabbing a coffee and cake from a recommended coffee shop, I had been surrounded by people the whole time. It was nice to spend some time alone watching the scenery go by as the train thundered along to the Bay.
Chapter Four: The Bay Area and Soul Food!
I stayed in Oakland with DJ Amar and
Calamity Sam, THE best hosts a girl could asked for. The day I arrived, Amar
met me at the train station, with the awesome Dusty Paik in tow, dropped my
stuff at the house and took me out for amazing food out in Mission, before
driving me to Fat Chance studio for Strange Brew. Kami was the teacher at
Strange Brew – something I’ve been wanting to go to for a very long time. I
always feel envious of the dancers in the Bay getting to have weekly workshops
with Kami, Zoe, Rose Harden, Elizabeth Strong and regular guest instructors –
so I was surprised to find that most of the class were foreigners or non-locals
still in the area after Tribal Fest. Kami taught some pop and lock drills
before introducing a fun and sassy short-choreography that was so much fun to
dance. I really enjoyed the workshop.
Throughout the stay I visited different
instructors’ classes – on Thursday Sam took me to Elizabeth Strong’s first
weekly class in the Bay in her home studio. It was great to study with Liz
again and having recently trained a lot with Mira and Zoe I could definitely
see the lineage of their shared teacher Katerina Burda through the similarities
in the movements they teach. Again, it was a great class. Liz is also now
teaching Turkish Roman in the Bay too – I hope she will be next time I’m there,
as I would love to take some more classes in this style. Monday night was Sam’s
level 1 ITS class, which was a great recap for me of the whole format at that
level, and Sam is a really fun teacher. On Tuesday I took classes with Kae Montgomery at FCBD and with Jill Parker. I loved the format of Jill’s class,
and learning some classic Tribal Fusion from the mama of the genre. I hope to
study some more with Jill in the future.

to work with each other again. I especially felt a strong connection with one dancer, and it sucks that she lives on the other side of the world. I know we live in a global age, where the world is so small and we have technology available. But it’s not the same – these intensives really highlight that for me. It’s hard to come home and not be able to immediately utilise these concepts – while I can apply them to my own solo work as well from the dynamics perspective, and will vastly change my dancing for the better once I get to the point where I no longer have to think about it, the directing work is something that I don’t get to do that much, because although I have my students to work with in class, I don’t have a student troupe to direct at the moment. And with all the ideas I have, I want some dancers to work with!
The rest of my time in Oakland was spent
eating at great restaurants with Amar and Sam, playing card games in a bar with
some great friends and sightseeing. Dan joined me on Saturday for a 5-day visit
and I was so happy to see him! We never spend so much time apart so I really
missed him. He loves the Bay just as much as I do, so he couldn’t resist coming
out, even if it was only for 5 days. I
got sunburnt really badly in SF on our sightseeing day there, oh my god! I’ve never
had sunburn like it – the pain! Now I have a great tan, but unfortunately not
all over – the tan lines while wearing bellydance costumes is not a great look!
On Sunday after the intensive we went to Ariellah’s student hafla, and got to
see performances by Kae Montgomery, Dusty Paik and Calamity Sam, and I was very
honoured to perform some ITS with Sam and her students at the show. Our last
day was food heaven – we spent the whole day in Oakland beginning with the
Sweet Bar for an inappropriately sugary breakfast, then heading to The Trappist
– a bar that only serves speciality beers. Amar and Sam took us here earlier in
the week and we couldn’t resist a second visit! We ate the amazing grilled
cheese sandwich with truffle – mmmm! And the irresistible chocolate mousse
flavoured with stout – delicious! We wandered around Jack London Square for a
while before finishing off with a picnic at the lake courtesy of Whole Foods.
And with that, our trip was over. We dragged the suitcases to the BART and took
our flight home.
While at the airport I felt really sad to
be leaving all of these incredible people behind me – it’s hard. But the
community here in the UK and in Europe as a whole is so strong and so many
amazing people here too. It will be a long time before I see some of those
people again, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, so I have no doubt it
will be even better the next time we connect. And in the meantime, there’s
always Facebook!
I returned home to immediately leave again
– taught workshops in Reading hosted by the lovely Kitty Kohl, and this weekend
I just got back from Tribal Festival Hannover, which was a great weekend – but
this was a very long blog, so perhaps we’ll save those stories for the next
time! I have a very busy few months ahead of me, so I hope that I will get a
chance to connect with you on the road somewhere in Europe this summer!
next time....!
Alexis x